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Published: 10 Apr 2024

Reflecting on 20 Years Since the 2004 Tsunami with Sophie Goldsmith

Boxing Day 2024 marks 20 years since the devastating Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. In this special Police Horizons podcast, Sophie Goldsmith, Director of the Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency National Institute of Forensic Science (ANZPAA NIFS), reflects on her experience as a member of the Australian Federal Police disaster victim identification (DVI) team that responded to this disaster. Sophie shares insights into the DVI operation in Thailand and how ANZPAA NIFS works to fosters collaboration in the approach to DVI investigations, and builds best practice across all areas of forensic science.

For more information on the work of Hands Across the Water, a charity founded in response to the devastating tsunami and dedicated to enriching the lives of disadvantaged children and communities in Thailand, please visit:


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