A synergistic approach to public safety and community well-being has helped transform modern policing in Australia and New Zealand. This was the theme of the ANZPAA Police Conference PC23 held in Melbourne on 9-10 November 2023. 

Policing has become more complex, requiring police to step outside of traditional alliances to access partners possessing specialised skills, drive innovation and ensure community safety. In an environment where police are often the service of first and last resort, this year’s ANZPAA Police Conference saw over 580 attendees and 73 speakers from 17 countries come explore how partnerships can assist with the many challenges police face. 

Collaboration was a central focus, with police emphasising the significance of forging partnerships among law enforcement, government entities, community groups, and industry stakeholders.

Collaborations with government agencies can lead to shared funding and personnel, ensuring that resources are allocated to where they are needed most. Partnerships with industry can result in cost-effective solutions that improve the overall efficiency of police operations.

New Zealand Police Superintendent Director Phil Taikato’s presentation focused on Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke, an Iwi, government and non-government partnership based on the importance of a deeper understanding of the overlaps of family and whānau needs as they journey through the system. This collaboration of ten government agencies represents a whole of government approach to family and sexual violence. Superintendent Taikato says this “approach creates a single point of collective accountability and leadership, and police have a particular focus on establishing a shared case management and information sharing system.” Evaluations have shown significant reduction in crime harm levels for Whānau, ranging from 15% to 19.5% reduction of harm on the Crime Harm Index.



One of the primary benefits of police partnerships with academia is their ability to foster enhanced problem-solving. Academics play a crucial role in police partnerships by conducting research and analysis that guide evidence-based policies and strategies. By combining academic research with real-world experience, law enforcement agencies can better understand the root causes of crime and social issues, leading to more targeted and effective responses. 

Delegates heard from recent Churchill Fellowship panellists on their research findings and how it has benefitted their jurisdictions. The panellists discussed the outcomes of their projects which investigated corrections intelligence methodologies, diversionary practices for mentally and intellectually disabled persons engaging with police and the development of evidence-based policing internationally. Collaboration between police agencies is crucial for addressing contemporary threats such as family violence, cybercrime, and organised crime, requiring joint efforts and diverse expertise. These partnerships enhance efficiency by sharing resources, information, and best practices, reducing duplication of efforts, and improving overall communication and co-ordination. 

The ANZPAA Police Conference continues to serve as a platform for networking, idea exchange, sharing insights and best practice and exploring innovative solutions. Delegates can learn from each other's experiences, further fostering unity and collaboration across police jurisdictions, regions and countries. Led by Police Commissioners, PC23 aimed to foster a sense of unity and mutual support among police jurisdictions, reinforcing the broader mission of safeguarding communities. Overall, the benefits of partnerships are clear, they allow police to adapt, prioritise community well-being, and build safer communities. By working together to shape the future of policing and building safer, more resilient communities.

For more information on the ANZPAA police conference go to: anzpaaconference.com.au


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