Fostering a Quality Culture in Forensic Science

The ANZPAA NIFS Quality Specialist Advisory Group has recently developed the Principles of Authentic Quality Culture in Forensic Science Service Provision (the Principles) to support forensic science providers in evaluating and improving their systems and to support quality outcomes.

To maintain public trust and integrity, forensic science providers must uphold the highest standards of quality.  A key aspect of achieving this is fostering an authentic Quality Culture—an organisational mindset that prioritises excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Quality Culture goes beyond compliance with regulations and standards; it reflects a deep, organisation-wide commitment to delivering reliable and accurate forensic services. This culture is built upon a foundation of core values and guiding principles that shape daily practices and long-term strategies.

A commitment to authentic Quality Culture has been identified as a key strategy to organisational success, particularly in industries requiring high levels of reliability, such as forensic science.

The Principles were developed in collaboration with representatives from 19 forensic science providers  across Australia and New Zealand, these Principles outline four key areas that enhance service quality and foster continuous improvement. 

They also provide forensic science providers with values to support the review of their operations and developing initiatives that  drive quality outcomes.

A Quality Forensic Science Service starts with:

  1. Independence to mitigate risks to Quality
  2. Governance that prioritises Quality
  3. Leadership that champions Quality

These elements lead to a Quality Culture that exemplifies transparency, accountability, continuous improvement, etc. The characteristic of a Quality Culture is expanded further in the principles.

Download the principles

Image Courtesy of AFP



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